Killing Mr. Guilt

"Killing Mr. Guilt" is a thought-provoking photo project where feelings take form of humans.  It delves into the complex realm of our emotions, specifically the conflicting feelings of love and guilt, and the workings of consciousness. Through a series of photographs, this project unfolds as a fictional tragedy centered around three best friends: Ms. Love, Mr. Guilt, and Mr. Right.

Ms. Love, a beautiful young lady, embodies qualities such as kindness, forgiveness, care, and love. She fervently believes that love is a cure for everything, and her unwavering devotion shapes her world. 

Mr. Guilt, a bright and truthful young man, represents the subconscious mind and its profound impact on our actions. Although his intentions are pure, his brutal honesty leads him towards a fatal end.

Mr. Right, a self-assured and logical individual, personifies consciousness itself. His decisions are surgical, guided by a black-and-white worldview. However, a tragic event followed by Mr. Right's questionable actions leave him burdened with an awfully heavy feeling that poisons his entire universe. In an attempt to escape his misery, he resolves to eliminate Mr. Guilt, the constant reminder of his restless existence.

Devastated by the loss and unable to find forgiveness within herself, Ms. Love embarks on a revengeful mission to make Mr. Right pay for his sin.

Through this multi-part photo project, I aim to bring attention to the feelings we often avoid discussing or keep hidden due to societal pressures and expectations. By exploring the depths of these emotions, the project encourages viewers to connect with certain situations and feelings, inspiring personal reflection and a deeper understanding of their own suppressed emotions. By embracing vulnerability and challenging societal norms, it is hoped that viewers will foster empathy, acceptance, and a more compassionate society.

"Killing Mr. Guilt" seeks to create a space for open dialogue and self-reflection, inviting viewers to confront the complexities of human emotions and the profound impact they have on our lives. By blurring the lines between fiction and reality, this photo project serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of acknowledging and exploring our own emotional landscapes, ultimately leading to personal growth and a more authentic way of living.

Ms. Love

Ms. Love, a beautiful young lady, embodies qualities such as kindness, forgiveness, care, and love. She fervently believes that love is a cure for everything, and her unwavering devotion shapes her world.

Devastated by the loss and unable to find forgiveness within herself, Ms. Love embarks on a revengeful mission to make Mr. Right pay for his sin.

Mr. Right

Mr. Right, a self-assured and logical individual, personifies consciousness itself. His decisions are surgical, guided by a black-and-white worldview. However, a tragic event followed by Mr. Right's questionable actions leave him burdened with an awfully heavy feeling that poisons his entire universe. In an attempt to escape his misery, he resolves to eliminate Mr. Guilt, the constant reminder of his restless existence.


Talent: Maria Kaira

Talent: Jean-Pierre R. Mesinele

MUAH: Natalia Tristan

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